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United Nations Conference on the Environment and Development, Rio 92, Global Forum. ferência das Nações Unidas para o Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento/ECO 92 Fórum Global
United Nations Conference on the Environment and Development, Rio 92, Global Forum. ferência das Nações Unidas para o Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento/ECO 92 Fórum Global
Rio de Janeiro

Opening ceremony of Global Forum. Arrival of Gaia, the replica of a 10th century Viking sailing ship, carrying around 8,500 messages in defense of the ecology written by children from all over the world.

The 92 Global Forum, organized by non-governmental organizations and social movements from all around the world, brought together a set of activities parallel to the UN Official Conference. The Forum was officially recognized by the United Nations as the body in charge of the organization and of ensuring the participation of the civil society in ECO 92. About 10,000 NGOs and representatives of social movements from different countries participated in the Global Forum. The various tents and spaces that made up the Forum were installed along the Flamengo Park on the shore of Guanabara Bay and next to Sugar Loaf. Among these, a few stood out: the tent of women or Female Planet, the youth tent, the International Indigenous Commission, the Future Forum - an international NGOs network involved in environmental and developmental issues - and the International Arts, Culture and Environment Forum. Thousands of people visited and participated in the Civil Society Forum. As a result of the eleven days of activities such as seminars, conferences, meetings, exhibitions, political and cultural events and especially of intense debate, the 92 Global Forum approved the Treaty of Population, Environment al and Developmental NGOs.

Claudia Ferreira
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