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Vandana Shiva At The Earth Summit
Vandana Shiva At The Earth Summit
Rio de Janeiro

 Indian environmentalist Vandana Shiva gestures as speaks during a panel discussion at Female Planet  at Global Forum, at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) (or the Earth Summit).

The Female Planet event had a busy schedule. For eleven days, there were about two dozen panels that included such diverse subjects as biodiversity, biotechnology, food, agriculture, land reform, poverty, refugees, the role of networks for women's movements, health, education, population policy , spirituality, sexuality, external debt, militarism and other issues relevant to the environmental and developmental issues. In addition to these activities, the women’s tent was a venue for political meetings, cultural activities, parties, and especially the expression of diversity. Over 30,000 people visited Female Planet during ECO-92.

Claudia Ferreira
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